Friday, December 11, 2009

Photonics and Electro-optics

Professor Cheville, Grischkowsky, Krasinski, W. Zhang, Y. Zhang

Ultra-fast Terahertz Research Group

The science of photonics, or using light as current electrical engineering uses electrons, is the basic technology behind the current communications revolution. As higher and higher data rates are required, photonics will play an ever larger role in the successful engineer’s toolbox. Research programs at OSU specialize in ultra-fast optoelectronics, and growth and development of new optical materials, especially wide band-gap materials used for blue light generation.

The research group on terahertz (1 THz = 1000 GHz) technology is at the forefront of research in this frequency area. A new cleanroom facility dedicated to growth and analysis of materials such as GaN promises to make OSU a major player in this new semiconductor technology.
Graduate level courses include fiber optics communication systems, and ultra-fast optics. A NSF funded PhD program in photonics is cross-disciplinary between physics, chemistry, and ECEN. This program is one of a very select few in the country which offer emphasis on hands-on experimental research along with foundation courses over a wide range of disciplines.