Research topics
alphaWorks is known for launching emerging technologies. With these research topics, we are providing a collection of resources – technology downloads, demos, articles, and resources – to help build awareness and understanding about an emerging topic.
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Research topicsCollaborative Development Environments: In software development, a Collaborative Development Environment (CDE) allows developers and stakeholders to share ideas and knowledge, and work together toward a common task. With the launch of this latest Research topic, alphaWorks focuses on the services model and CDEs which allow engineers to solve problems online.
RFID: RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is an automatic identification method, relying on storing and remotely retrieving data using devices called RFID tags or transponders.
Cell Broadband Engine technology: Learn more about Cell BE, a breakthrough microprocessor with unique capabilities for applications requiring video, 3D graphics, or high-performance computation for imaging, security, visualization, healthcare, surveillance and more.
Accessibility: Accessibility technologies put information and technology within reach of the general population with the goal of creating end-to-end accessibility for all users.
Visualization: Visualization technologies transform information into a visual form enabling the viewer to easily understand the information using interactive graphics and visual design.
Semantics: New semantic information-management schemes enable companies to make better use of their information. Learn how semantics technology can help your development efforts.