Other umbrella services include Managed Access Services, Managed Network Services, Managed Security Services, Business Continuity Services and Managed KTS/Hybrid. Starting in 2011, service providers will begin to reap the benefits of sustainable revenue growth for most of the managed/hosted offerings that comprise the seven umbrellas, with numbers increasing annually through 2014.
T3i Group’s newest InfoTrack for Enterprise Services report, “The 2009-2014 Global Managed Services Market Forecast,” predicts expected revenue growth or declines for 41 managed and hosted services in five global regions: the
“In line with our recent findings for the demand for hosted IPT/applications report issued last month (“Global Market Demand for Hosted IP Telephony and Hosted - SaaS UC Applications Market Outlook”), we now predict year-over-year, double-digit revenue growth worldwide for Hosted IPT & Applications, in particular,” commented Susan Hobart, President of T3i Group. “Overall, forecasted growth for service adoption/revenue growth is expected to be high in all global regions, especially in such developing regions as APAC and CALA.”
According to the report, near-term growth is expected to be especially high in APAC for Hosted IPT & Applications, Managed PBX & Voice Applications, Managed Security Services and Managed Access Services; however, during the forecast period of 2009-14, the
Some U.S.-based respondents also indicated the decline in popularity of some managed/hosted services moving forward, including Managed KTS/Hybrid and Managed KTS/Hybrid Maintenance, and Managed Network Services (Element Management and Asset Management).
For more information about “The 2009-2014 Global Managed Services Market Forecast” or for any InfoTrack for Enterprise Services report, go to www.telecomweb.com/marketresearch/enterprisesvcs/IES/GlobalManagedServicesMarketForecast or contact
About the InfoTrack for Enterprise Services (IES) Program:
The InfoTrack for Enterprise Services (IES) program publishes several comprehensive, primary research studies each year, with the professional services reports focusing on unified communications market analysis. The IES program combines competitor information with market demand and issues analysis. For general information about IES, please visit www.t3igroup.com/marketresearch/enterprisesvcs/
About T3i Group LLC:
T3i Group LLC provides market research, data, analysis, and consulting and advisory services to the telecommunications industry. It has clients in 46 countries and conducts its business through four operating units: InfoTech, which publishes reports that analyze shipment, revenue, market share and other pertinent data of importance to telecommunications equipment manufacturers; TelecomTactics, which maintains a database of the features and functionality of major telephony systems; Tarifica, which maintains a database of pricing-related information covering 400 telecommunications carriers operating in 130 countries; and TelecomWeb (www.t3igroup.com), which serves as T3i Group's primary delivery mechanism for distributing its reports, analyses and data to subscribers.
T3i Group LLC is headquartered in